We design architecture for all: inclusive, barrier free and participatory

Highland Bothy
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Archive for the ‘participation’ Category

Posted on: March 16th, 2020

Highland Bothy

an accessibly highland bothy around an existing stone barn


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Scottish Design Awards: Future Building Shortlisted

In a week’s time we will be celebrating the very best in Scottish Design (from  Digital Design to Corporate Design, Craft to Architecture), at the Scottish Design Awards 2019.  We are delighted that our future project, with JM Architects, for the Yard Dundee, has been shortlisted. The Yard are an amazing client, who provide a brilliant environment for children with disabilities offering the chance for creative adventurous indoor and outdoor play in a well-supported environment. The Yard strongly believes disabled children should be offered the same opportunities as their peers to get involved in risky play to help them develop, learn and build friendships and find their own limits. The future building in Dundee will support this process, and has been designed as an enabling environment, where each child or young person finds the spaces they need.




Finalists Future Building Scottish Design Awards 2019

Posted on: June 10th, 2019

We are delighted that our concept design for The Yard Dundee has been shortlisted for future building, in the Scottish Design awards 2019. It is an exciting project for us, with fabulous clients, and lots of creative engagement and workshops with users, feeding into the design process.

3D render images by Nick Dalgety.

Garden Room Living

Posted on: March 30th, 2019

Re-thinking a two storey house, that was no longer working for the family, we developed the design in collaboration with the clients to create an open plan but articulated living garden room, with kitchen, sitting, dining, activity wall, window seat to the herb courtyard, and much better connection to the existing garden. This frees up the existing sitting room, either for teenagers to use, or in the future could be an accessible ground floor bedroom, making this a lifetime home. Like many houses the connections between inside and outside, and the connections between spaces for different uses needed to be re-designed, to create a flexible inclusive accessible family home


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inclusive and accessible family home

Posted on: October 30th, 2017

Saltire Award Winner

this small bungalow was adapted and extended to make a fully inclusive, spacious and accessible family home.

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Costa Rican Garden Shed makes the Guardian

Posted on: October 30th, 2017

Great to have our work recognised in an article in the Guardian weekend, and a great interview with our lovely clients Ina and James


Royal Scottish Academy Art and Architecture Open

Posted on: March 27th, 2017

Chambers McMillan will be attending the Private View for the Architecture open at the RSA this Friday. Our film (filmed by Bee and Greta) of the Route Through the Ramp House Features in the exhibitionIMG_5595

Creative workshops with children

Posted on: September 20th, 2016

An important part of the design process at Chambers McMillan includes consultation and engagement. Here are some of our creative workshops, which have informed the design process. 

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The Ramp House accessible home

Posted on: May 31st, 2016

The principle of the ramp house was to design and build a family home for a little girl who is a wheelchair user, where the whole house enables her to lead a barrier free included life. We are often confronted with the physical barriers that the built environment presents; in our own home we were able to design a fully inclusive place; using a ramp to access all levels, provides an equality of space to us all. We have designed spaces along the ramp, connecting both horizontally and vertically, so that the experience of the house changes as it unfolds.

The difference that the ramp makes is in how the spaces are experienced; this is both linear and sectional, and the opportunities to look back or forward into other spaces. The ramp contributes both width and height to each of the different pausing places along the way. As we inhabit the house, we can see how this provides variation, complexity, and flexibility in the everyday use of the house, how many spaces can be used concurrently and how it reaches its potential when it is inhabited: movement around it, by foot or on wheels brings the experience to life.

For us as a family, the design of this house has made a difference to our everyday life: for a child who cannot move around independently, the connectivity of the spaces becomes all the more important. If Greta is in the living room, there are six different spaces that we can be in and move between, and she is still able to see and hear us, and communicate with us. Because of the articulation of the different spaces within the open plan, there are many opportunities for privacy and seclusion whilst still being part of the life of the house.

It was important that our home should be a place belonging to the children as well as to us; to ensure this we included them in the design process; to enable this process we worked mainly with models helping the children to understand how spaces might feel and how they might connect.

It has been crucial to us that we remain in the centre of our community where Greta was born; building this house here has enabled her to remain a loved part of Portobello. Our accessible family home allows her friends to come and play in a built environment designed to enable her to play just like any other eight year old. The wider impact of an inclusive house like this, is that people who come to visit us experience a different way of moving around a house, and understand that accessibility does not need to be about constrictions, but can be a delight.

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The Rings accessible holiday cottages

Posted on: May 27th, 2016

the Rings wheelchair accessible holiday cottages

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Leith Double Upper Re-Modelling in Build It

Posted on: May 20th, 2016

Lovely to see one of our early projects for good friends in Build It; a great family home and party house! Macleod_May_BuildItMacleod_May_BuildIt 2Macleod_May_BuildIt 3Macleod_May_BuildIt 4

Spring Newsletter

Posted on: April 28th, 2016

Spring Newsletter – sign up for future newsletters2016Q1T version 3 email.pdf-1 2016Q1T version 3 email.pdf-2

The Rings – Now Open!

Posted on: January 17th, 2016

The Rings, two wheelchair accessible holiday cottages in Fife, are now open and ready to be visited. Chambers McMillan have been involved from concept design, and have applied our specialist accessible design knowledge to achieve a building which is both an inclusive and restful place to stay.

The Rings


accessible family home

Posted on: July 17th, 2015

accessible home enableaccessible family home

Doing Disability Differently: Vals Therme

Posted on: June 20th, 2015

Last year Doing Disability Differently by Jos Boys was published. My sensory description of Vals Therme, from Greta’s point of view, was included, as well as a critique of our Ramp House. I am now working with Katie Lloyd Thomas on Jos Boy’s follow up reader: our chapter The Ramp House: Building Inclusivity, will explore the planning, building and inhabitation of the ramp house as an ongoing process of inclusivity.



Thea MacMillan – Experiencing Zumthor

 The way that Zumthor’s spaces are perceived: in Vals Therme, each space has been considered sensorially; the searing heat of the 40° bath reflected by burning red terracotta walls, which change from highly glazed to porous rough at the line where the water laps, contrasted by the cool turquoise water of the central pool and the sharp air rolling down from the surrounding mountains to lie on top of the outdoor pool. Guided by the continuity of the touch of the changing stone in each changing space; offering different sensory experiences, using contrast and heightened touch, hearing, and smell.

Perception: coming into the space from above, the sound is first, then the weight of the leather curtain pushed aside, followed by smell. For anyone disabled who has learnt to use their senses differently to complete pictures, this place offers many different clues. The spatial configuration of open plan and smaller contained spaces and the connections between them, gives a complex aural feedback for the visually impaired to construct the space in their minds.

Movement through the spaces, whilst not supportive of all wheelchair users, with its slow long flat steps, provides added layers of sensory experience for those who can climb them. As this almost offers the inclusive experience of moving through changing space, it seems a missed opportunity not to have a ramp.

Thea McMillan 11/09/13


“Ultimately, of course, the aim is redefine what constitutes the normal [] ‘

The principle of the ramp house was to design and build a family home for a little girl who is a wheelchair user, where the whole house enables her to lead a barrier free included life. We are often confronted with the physical barriers that the built environment presents; in our own home we were able to design a fully inclusive place; using a ramp to access all levels, provides an equality of space to us all. We have designed spaces along the ramp, connecting both horizontally and vertically, so that the experience of the house changes as it unfolds.

The difference that the ramp makes is in how the spaces are experienced; this is both linear and sectional, and the opportunities to look back or forward into other spaces. The ramp contributes both width and height to each of the different pausing places along the way. As we inhabit the house, we can see how this provides variation, complexity, and flexibility in the everyday use of the house, how many spaces can be used concurrently and how it reaches its potential when it is inhabited: movement around it, by foot or on wheels brings the experience to life.

For a child who cannot move around independently, the connectivity of the spaces becomes all the more important. If Greta is in the living room, there are six different spaces that we can be in and move between, and she is still able to see and hear us, and communicate with us.’

“here, movement through the space is not separated out as ‘accessible circulation’ but formally interwoven with both how family life is lived, and with the multiple registers through which we engage with the material world simultaneously. Greta is neither a special case nor an unconsidered ‘anyone’: she is just one of the members of the family; as she says herself, ‘I am just a very busy eight year old and like everyone else, I just need a place which allows me to get on with things'” Jos Boys, Doing Disability Differently, Routledge.

new family room in the garden, submitted to planning

Posted on: June 19th, 2015


Scotland’s first Corian clad building

Posted on: May 8th, 2015

We have nearly finished Scotland’s first external clad corian building: a play and painting room.DSC_0459

Biggar Artists Studio progressing well

Posted on: May 1st, 2015

We had a great visit to site this week: the studio will give artists Ken and Moira Russell better, light spaces to work in. http://www.inadifferentlight.co.uk/DSC_0406 IMG_1710 IMG_1715 IMG_1727 IMG_1725 IMG_1720 IMG_1717

Biggar Artist Studio starts on site

Posted on: April 24th, 2015

v) the frame goes UP 5PERSP This week our artist studio extension started on site. Looking forward to watching this being built: it will provide a spacious light studio for the two artists, and connect the house to the garden.

An inclusive room for Ali

Posted on: May 17th, 2014


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Inspirational Design: Scottish Government

Posted on: December 19th, 2013

Good to be included in Scottish Government’s inspirational designs webpage



one shiny saltire plaque on the wall of the ramp house

Posted on: September 10th, 2013
saltire plaque

saltire plaque

We are delighted to have won a Saltire Housing Award for our Ramp House – it is now shining on the caithness wall at the front door. Here is what Lesley Riddoch, Chair of the Judging Panel said:

“We admired your determination to fit a house round you – not the other way round. You took a pint pot of a site and cleverly built a house just high enough to “borrow” views of all the fabulous gardens around. You created a house with a common way of moving about – not isolating your daughter into lifts and hoists and it works beautifully. Connecting with one another via the ramps inside you also connect directly with the street outside via that lovely wee breakfast window. The whole house breathes confidence in its location, in one another and in your neighbours. Wonderful.”


a magazine you can’t get in the newsagents

Posted on: August 23rd, 2013

lifestyle ability cover small
Every three months a magazine called life style drops through our letterbox. You can’t buy this in the shops for love nor money, but is sent out to the 400,000 motability car owners. Each issue has at least one story of people who have taken their circumstances and used them to make things more accessible for others as well as themselves. Ian thought that they might want to know about our story so emailed them, and we were interviewed by a lovely journalist who understood our situation through her own experience. Since the magazine came out we have had a number of really lovely comments and enquiries, just reminding us how many people are in similar circumstances to ours, needing inclusive environments designed for them. It seems we are becoming a specialist practice without trying. lifestyle ability 

children participating in design

Posted on: May 31st, 2012

children’s fieldwork